Sunday, June 13, 2010

Five Ways to Save Your Marriage

Are you sick and tired just because you can't save your marriage? Do you remember courtship promises? "I will keep our marriage issues hush-hush, only between you and me." What about the vows? You uttered them in witness of the crowd, "I Wendy, take you Jack, to be my wedded husband...from this day onwards, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish you always, until death do us apart..." What happened thereafter? You just moved, leaving me with the kids. Why did you say those vows while knowing you were insincere?

These are some of the questions married couples ask themselves. I mean when things fall apart. A wedding is a happy and memorable event in life. It brings together two individuals. The wedding starts the marriage off on a cheerful note and thereafter conflicts arise. They are normal part of marriage that everyone has to deal with. Divorce shouldn't be an automatic response to marriage problems as it can have a negative impact on both parties as well as other family members. The truth is, with hard work, almost any problem in a marriage can be overcome.

Five Ways to Save your Marriage

1. First of all, both parties must admit that problems exist. Problems don't go away if they are ignored, they only get worse. Accept that you have issues to work out, identify them, and work to find solutions.

2. There is a saying that you cannot fight the enemy that you cannot see. This is especially true when it comes to marriage. If your spouse becomes distant and acts differently, find out what is going on. Give him the opportunity to let his feeling out no matter what they might be.

3. Problem solving is not the only way to save your marriage. You must also constantly work at keeping your love alive. Express your romantic side often so that your partner always feels loved. Give romantic surprises and go on dates. Remember the most romantic times you had in the past and look for ways to make new memories.

4. Share your inner feeling with your spouse. Listen intently when your partner speaks and show empathy for his concerns. Cultivate your communication skills as these can help you dissolve problems when they pop up.

5. Seek out professional advice if you need it. An impartial party can be a big help. Relationship books and counseling may put your marriage back on track. Bad advice from a friend may do more harm than good.

There are many ways to save your marriage if you're determined to do so. It doesn't matter what has happened. When you learn the proper communication techniques and open up your feelings, you and your spouse always grow closer together and begin to repair the hurt and hard feelings that had taken hold.

by Joshua Nyamache

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