Monday, June 14, 2010

What Guys Find Attractive in a Woman

Don't want to be a single woman anymore? If so, then you might be interested in knowing what guys find attractive in a woman. For a lot of women, the things that really make a guy go crazy can be quite a shock. I still find it surprising sometimes at how way off base women can be when it comes to the things that they *think* men find attractive.

Anyways, when you know what a man is looking for in a woman, then you can get a little closer to cracking the guy code and making him want to date you. Sure, men are confusing and aggravating at times, but you know that you would like to find the RIGHT one!

Here's a small list of what guys find attractive in a woman:

1. Your sense of style.

Even though most guys are not all that into fashion, they can still appreciate it when they spot a woman that knows how to dress with her own unique style. After all, it's one of the things that is going to jump right out at him, so you don't want to slack on this part of the package. Spending a lot of money on clothes is not always necessary though. Just being able to carry yourself with a sense of style can make him find you attractive.

2. Your ability to make him laugh.

This can be a rare treat for a man, and guys definitely DO find this attractive in a woman. If you can get him to crack a smile and then burst out laughing, you know that you have gotten his attention. And when you can make him laugh non stop, then you can be sure that he will want to spend more time with you than any other woman that he knows.

3. Being able to mix sexy and classy together.

You might think that a man would prefer a woman that dresses very revealing, but that is not the case. For most guys, they don't mind looking at a woman that dresses very provocatively, but they do not really want to date or be in a serious relationship with a woman that dresses this way. When you can mix sexy AND classy together, then you will have a winning formula.

4. Being able to let him "breathe."

Some women are like hawks when it comes to their men, so it is refreshing for a man to know that he has found a woman that will NOT act this way and that will give him room to breathe. It shows that you trust him and it also makes him think of you as being more of the long term kind of woman, which is usually a good thing.

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